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Leadership Team

Directors Advisors

Board of Directors

Mark Rice

Mark Rice

Chairman, Board of Directors

Professor of Entrepreneurship,
Former Dean and Provost, Babson College

Chuck Peters

Chuck Peters

Board of Directors

Generative Education Initiative Transformative Learning Fdn.

John Cimino

John Cimino

Founder and President

Creative Leaps International

Rob Brodnick

Rob Brodnick

Board of Directors

Founder and President
Sierra Learning Solutions

Cheryl Kiser

Cheryl Kiser

Board of Directors

Executive Director, Lewis Institute
Babson Social Innovation Lab

James Stellar

James Stellar

Board of Directors

Professor of Neuroscience
Interim President, UAlbany

Darlyne Bailey

Darlyne Bailey

Board of Directors

Dean Emeritus and Founder, Social Justice Initiative, Bryn Mawr College


Vartan Gregorian

Vartan Gregorian

Emeritus Founding Advisor and Lead Funder (deceased)

President, Carnegie Corporation of New York

Danielle Duell

Danielle Duell

Global Ambassador

President and CEO
People With Purpose

Marsha Semmel

Marsha Semmel

Council of Advisors

Cultural & Educational Leadership and Partnerships

Stan Gryskiewicz

Stan Gryskiewicz

Founding Advisor

Center for Creative Leadership
Association for Managers of Innovation

Anna Stowe DeNicola

Anna Stowe DeNicola

Council of Advisors

Executive Director
Federal Bar Council

Michael Lindfield

Michael Lindfield

Council of Advisors

President, Meditation Mount
The Science of Group Work

Frances Hesselbein

Frances Hesselbein

Council of Advisors

President and CEO
Hesselbein Leadership Institute

Sylvester Taylor

Sylvester Taylor

Council of Advisors

Idea Connection Systems
Center for Creative Leadership

Anders Aspling

Anders Aspling

Council of Advisors

Founding Secretary General
Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

Emeritus Advisors

Mary Catherine Bateson

Mary Catherine Bateson

Advisor Emeritus to the President

American Author and Cultural Anthropologist

Freeman Dyson

Freeman Dyson

Advisor Emeritus to the President

British-American Mathematician
Theoretical Physicist and Author

Maxine Greene

Maxine Greene

Advisor Emeritus to the President

American Educational Philosopher
Teachers College, Columbia University

Inspirations and Influencers

Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller

American Architect, Systems Theorist, Designer and Inventor

Robert Penn Warren

Robert Penn Warren

American Poet, Novelist and Literary Critic

Gregory Bateson

Gregory Bateson

20th Century Thinker, Philosopher, Anthropologist and Social Scientist

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Spanish Writer and Novelist, Author of “The Adventures of Don Quixote”

Jacob Bronowski

Jacob Bronowski

Polish-British Mathematician and Philosopher of Science

Loren Eiseley

Loren Eiseley

American Anthropologist, Essayist, Philosopher and Literary Naturalist

President's Profile

Profile: John J. Cimino, Jr.  Founding President

John J. Cimino, Jr. is founding president and CEO of Creative Leaps International (1992), Associated Solo Artists (1972) and THE RENAISSANCE CENTER for Knowledge Integration, Interdisciplinary Thinking and Advanced Applications of Imagination (2018).  Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (biology & physics), the State University of New York at Albany (learning theory), and the Manhattan and Juilliard Schools of Music (music & voice), Cimino holds a uniquely interdisciplinary perspective and works across multiple disciplines dedicated to learning, leadership and human development.  As a consultant and advisor to universities, his special focus is connectivity across disciplines and departments (sometimes called knowledge integration within the connected university) and the centrality of creativity, leadership and the arts in the intellectual and personal development of students and faculty. 

As a consultant and champion of the arts and cross-boundary thinking in business and professional life, Cimino has brought his "Concerts of Ideas" and other innovative programs into projects of the White House, the United Nations, the Center for Creative Leadership, the Council for Excellence in Government, the District of Columbia's Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, and the leadership training programs of dozens of Fortune 500 companies including GE, IBM, Pfizer, The World Bank, Macquarie Banking and Finance, The Bank of Montreal, McDonnell Douglas, the SC Johnson Company, Starbucks Coffee Company and to numerous universities and professional groups worldwide.

                                                                                                                                                                                          [Read More]

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
                                                                                                  Margaret Mead

Renaissance Center

John Cimino, President & CEO

845-469-7254 (office)

845-216-0607 (mobile)

88 Hardscrabble Road

Chester, New York 10918

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The Renaissance Center is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit institution incorporated in the State of New York in 2018.

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